​Play is the language of children and the toys are their words.
For children, play is a significant part of the therapeutic process and is the natural way that children express and learn about themselves. In play therapy, children are provided a specific set of materials and toys that allows them to express a wide range of emotions, feelings, and needs. Play therapy encourages children to communicate with others, identify and express feelings, modify behavior, develop problem-solving skills, and discover ways of relating to others.

At HeadFirst Counseling, we look at each individual child as a unique being with his or her own special set of skills and strengths. We attempt to truly understand your child, find out what need they are not getting met, and help them find ways to get their needs met in socially appropriate ways. As a result of play therapy, your child learns pro-social and responsible ways of interacting with the environment and learns to view him or herself more positively and as more capable.
Play therapy can help children with a wide variety of backgrounds and life experiences. Here are some things to look out for that may indicate your child could benefit from play therapy:
academic difficulties
anxious behavior
perfectionism/rigid behaviors
bed wetting/pant wetting
sleeping problems/nightmares
divorce or separation in the family
grief or any type of loss
hospitalization/chronic illness for the child or family member
relocation of the child or family
defiant behavior/ limit breaking
difficulty with social interaction
social withdrawal
low frustration tolerance
easily discouraged
lying, blaming others
sexualized behavior
bullying/threatening behaviors
attention issues
sensory processing issues
avoidant behaviors
acting younger than chronological age
changes in eating patterns
change in mood (in either extreme)
increase in physical complaints (headaches, stomachaches)
Play therapy helps children to:
develop creative solutions to problems and new ways of thinking
develop self-responsibility
increase acceptance of self and others
identify and express emotions
develop empathy and respect for the thoughts and feelings of others
learn and practice new social skills
develop self-regulation
cultivate relationship skills
increase self-worth, self-confidence, and self-efficacy